Smile Gallery
This patient was unhappy with the crowding of his lower teeth. Following a consulatation with Dr Justin Scrivens he decided to go ahead with Quick Straight Teeth fixed braces on his lower teeth. The treatment took 5 months and the patient is very happy with the new position of his teeth.
This patient wanted to find out about tooth whitening and to see what could be done to close the gaps between her upper teeth. Following her consultation with Dr Margaret McLoughlin it was agreed to first undertake a course of home whitening to get the desired colour and then to use composite bonding to close the gaps.
This patient was unhappy with her two front chipped incisors. It was agreed that Dr Scrivens would build them up using composite bonding. This is a fast, inexpensive and painless treatment and the patient was extremely happy with the finished results.
This patient spoke to Dr Justin Scrivens about the profile and shape of her front teeth. It was agreed to use composite bonding and direct veneers to improve the aesthetics. After a 1 hour appointment the patient had her new smile.
This patient had a gap from where two teeth had needed to be extracted. The patient wanted to replace the teeth and after discussing the options with Dr Justin Scrivens, she decided that she would like to replace them with dental implants.
Following a consultation with Dr Alastair Webb, this patient chose to have a dental implant to replace his missing tooth.
This patient was unhappy with the crowding of his teeth. Following a consultation with Dr Justin Scrivens it was decided to undertake a course of QST teeth straightening. The patient had fixed braces for an 8 month period and was extremely happy with the results.
This patient had a gap in his smile after losing one of his upper teeth. His dentist Justin Scrivens explained the options – leave the gap or replace the tooth with a partial denture, bridge or dental implant. The patient chose to have a dental implant and is delighted with the result.
This patient was unhappy with the appearance of her teeth particularly the gaps between them. Following a discussion with dentist, Margaret McLoughlin, a treatment plan of tooth whitening followed by composite build ups was agreed. The patient is delighted with her new smile. Her feedback: ‘amazing, life changing work done – thank you SO much😀
This patient recently joined the practice and was unhappy with her smile in particular the grey lines above her old crowns, the dark patches next to the gum on several lower and upper front teeth and the position of her UL2 incisor. The treatment plan agreed was to replace three crowns at the front of the mouth with Emax ceramic crowns to match the gum line and cover the dark areas . Composite bonding (tooth coloured material) has covered the dark patches at the gum line of the other teeth and a direct composite veneer has been used to bring the UL2 canine tooth in line with the other upper teeth. The patient is now very happy with her smile.
This 25 year old patient came to us with three existing amalgam fillings which he felt were unsightly. On examination we found that one of these fillings required replacing due to decay found under the existing filling. The patient made the decision to replace all three with composite (tooth coloured) fillings.
This patient was interested in a short term orthodontic solution to straighten his upper front teeth. His treatment plan included short term removable appliances, composite bonding to create uniform tooth length and teeth whitening.
This patient was keen to have whiter teeth and discussed teeth whitening treatment with her dentist. Following her treatment the patients teeth were over 7 shades whiter. She is very happy with her new smile.
This patient was unhappy with the gap between her top two teeth and was looking for orthodontic treatment that could close the gap in a relatively short space of time. We advised a treatment plan to include the use of removable invisible braces and composite bonding on the upper two front teeth and an all ceramic crown on the dark tooth shown on the photo to the left of the top front tooth.
This patient presented to us two very old crowns and especially disliked the dark line visible to the gum. Our dentist suggested the patient undergo teeth whitening first and then have two new Emax ceramic crowns fitted to match the gum line and cover the dark areas. Our patient was delighted with the result. If you have older crowns and are unhappy with their appearance talk to us about the treatment options that are available.
This patient was unhappy with the appearance of his top front teeth. Treatment options were discussed and it was agreed that the patient would have his upper two front canine teeth removed and a bridge would be made to incorporate his four upper canines and two incisors. The patient is now very happy with his smile.